Wavegarden set to develop 6 surf parks

The British group The Wave, founder of the successful surf park The Wave Bristol, has signed a multi-million dollar strategic alliance with Wavegarden to develop a minimum of 6 surf parks.
The main locations where it is These facilities will be developed in England and Ireland, although other locations in Europe are also being considered.
Following the agreements signed by Wavegarden with the Japanese group JPF and the Brazilian developer KSM Realty, The Wave becomes the third collaborator of the company to close a strategic alliance to develop various projects.
The company Basque technology company Wavegarden and the British group The Wave sign a strategic alliance to develop a minimum of 6 projects in England and Ireland. The Wave, which opened its first Wavegarden in Bristol in 2019, is already developing its second surf park, to be located at Lee Valley Regional Park in London. Additionally, the company continues to search for new land to develop the rest of the projects, not only in Ireland and the United Kingdom, but also in Europe.
The Wave Bristol was the world's first Wavegarden Cove-powered surf park built inside a country. Despite the pandemic, many other Wavegardens have opened between 2020 and 2021 in Melbourne, Switzerland, South Korea and Brazil. Likewise, the Basque company has five projects under construction and more than 60 in different stages of development around the world.
With this third collaboration agreement, Wavegarden sends a clear message to the emerging park sector of surfing: the financial viability of its Wavegarden Cove technology and proof that its business model is being validated by repeat investors. After the success of Praia da Grama, the first tropical beach in the world with artificial waves, the promoter KSM Realty, in July 2021, signed a 10-year collaboration contract with Wavegarden to develop more projects in Brazil. Likewise, in December 2021 Wavegarden announced a new alliance with the Japanese promoter JPF, with the aim of developing 7 surf parks in Japan in the next 7 years.